Global Education &
European Teaching Strategies
Upplands- Brogymnasiet (Kungsängen)
Language learning and foreign language learning
I had great expectations as far as foreign language learning and I must admit
that it was disappointing not to see the implementation of Pauline Gibbon’s
approach. There is an increasing sensitivity for foreign language and they
begin to see the benefits and opportunities that multicultural background
offer. Nevertheless, the learning of Swedish becomes a turning point as far as
integration is concerned. They make sure newly arrived students fit in their
flexible groups and learn the language quickly.
English is their first foreign language and students have a perfect command,
despite the non-communicative aproach in English lessons. This may be due
to the fact that Swedish and English are both Germanic languages (linguistic
transference)and because there is a cultural interest in the English speaking
media and games amongst teenagers. It is up to teachers to carry out projects
in English: subject matter teachers and English teachers work together but
tend not to cooperate. State official tests determine their linguistic
In Grade 6, students can choose a second foreign language. Spanish is the first
choice because it is highly popular.