Digital Family Issue 89 November 2013 November 2013 | Page 10

1 to 30th November 2013 Goa Government Home Page – The State Portal T he description for the state portal has tall claims to make and goes as follows ‘The ‘Goa Online’ is aimed as a single point of access for all the G2B & G2C transactions offered by Government of Goa through its constituent departments. The online portal provides online access to the current, complete and accurate information related to the functions and services provided by Government of Goa and its constituent departments to the Citizens, Businesses and other interested users (e.g. Tourists and Investors). The portal aims at educating the citizens and businesses with access to information such as expected service fulfillment times for the Government services, business processes, applicable rules and legislations, key point of contacts within the Government etc. It also educates the citizens, businesses in the state about their rights, benefits and schemes offered by the Government, eligibility requirements for availing these benefits & schemes etc. In nutshell, the Goa Online portal is a transparent & accountable portal that creates a hassle-free environment which has reduced administrative burden and service fulfillment costs for the Government, citizens & businesses, to a large extent.’ But when one browses through the links one gets extremely disappointed as the information on this State portal is incomplete, sometimes outdated, and even misguiding and misleading. Many links don’t work, there are dead links which nobody has bothered to cross check and old outdated information is offered to you. Are the authorities even aware that this is the states front end to the world! Links like the schemes link on the home page under the government tab are but a laughing stock. As per the heading ‘this page displays Schemes passed by various departments of Goa Government’ . We went through all the department links. Except for 23 schemes of Art and Culture, 8 of agricultural department with details of schemes implemented during 2011 and two of Central Library there is no other information. And garbage gets displayed on the three links in the Architecture Department schemes! For places like Department website where there are no schemes available page has a non clickable line Department of so and so. What mockery is this! When the departments and their sites are listed whenever a link does not have a website/webpage linked to it at least have the courtesy to make it non clickable. Who has time for users convenience let them click on the link go there are realize that it is not clickable! The story of the Rules and acts link is much worse . You go on clicking the departments and you will only get No acts available , No Links available all through. If nothing is available why give people dead hope by putting this links. Everything is so frustrating. Even the documents and report link starts with 2010-11 data. Nothing of 2012 except the budget and now some action is happening in 2013 with hardly five documents of 2013. Surprisingly the orders and circulars link is one from the lot that has some content on some of the departments which one can use. Go to the Kala Academy Link displayed prominently in the upcoming events on the portals home page and you will get a shock of your lives. This premier institution which is considered a feather in the cap of Goa’s infrastructure has a laughable one page website and that too “Designed by NodeThirtyThree for Free WordPress Themes. Powered by WordPress” at least that is what the website states. The page contains some weird information nowhere related to Kala Academy and the most pathetic thing is it is actually an advertisement for one UK based website of vanity numbers called City Numbers( www.citynumbers. This can only happen where there is absolutely no accountability. Any tech person will tell you that such kind of links and clear backdoors for all kinds of malware including hackers! Events on the know Goa link list PDFs of programs to be held in Goa date backwards with the previous years events being displayed first. Fine you are not making them searchable, fine you are not presenting in a systematic easily accessible manner but going backwards in the last thing one could expect! Isn’t there any user interface person in the department or the audit team who can put these small things in place so that people can take advantage of some small amount of information that is available with as little hassles as possible. It only shows the indifferent and care a damn attitude of the implementers. As per the procedure to check View Form I & IV of Land record mentioned in the state portal to view Form one needs to go to the link and Click on “Form I & IV”. But firat of all one gets an error message. So I tried going backwards to http://egov. and lo and behold I was taken to the Lusofonia Games Website . The IP address of this URL I guess is now redirected and used for the Lusofonia games website. The same website is also mentioned in the Procedure to view Mutation status for rural area, Procedure to view Mutation status for urban area, Procedure to View Form D and so on. We keep mum on all this, nobody raises any concern and the statuesco continues and will continue for years to come! We surely deserve an award for this E-indifference!