Digital Event News July 2021 | Page 17

July 2021

Opinion 17

Driving immersive hybrid experiences with Augmented Reality

Technology and Augmented

Reality ( AR ) are changing how we live , work , shop , learn and play . The global coronavirus pandemic has taught us to look through a different lens , exposing new , more interactive ways to consume content .
Sure enough , new digital experiences are rapidly taking over the ‘ New New ’ economy , especially in the events industry . As the world begins to open up and meeting face-to-face is possible again , organisations are keen to build upon the supercharged digital transformation and turn to hybrid events and AR to drive engagement higher than before .
The key to AR ’ s effectiveness lies in storytelling - the technology literally immerses attendees in a story being told by either your keynote speakers or sales reps in a virtual booth , elevating people ’ s sense . Let ’ s explore how AR storytelling platforms can deliver an unforgettable immersive experience for audiences around the world .
1 . People Events aren ’ t events anymore – they ’ re experiences . People no longer want to attend one-sizefits-all B2B gatherings ; they want experiences that challenge their
Nextech ’ s Chris Burton discusses the power of AR to optimise virtual events
thinking and present information in new , exciting ways . That is why AR Human Holograms is such a powerful medium to introduce on your hybrid event stage .
The possible applications of hologram technology are endless . You could for example , surprise your audience with a pre-recorded holographic message from the company CEO , introducing a keynote speaker or announcing the latest product launch with a 3D product model spinning on-stage as they speak . A social media influencer or an artist presenting their recent endeavours as Live Musics Shows can also be turned into a holographic experience or even a live keynote delivered via hologram to online attendees .
And the best part ? Both , your online and in-person audience members will enjoy the experience .
Nextech AR ’ s AiR Show doesn ’ t require any of the expensive hardware usually associated with VR / AR technologies like headsets or head-mounted displays - audiences simply need to download the app , scan the QR code and the message will appear in front of their eyes .
2 . Products Your hybrid experience has a purpose , whether that purpose is to increase brand awareness , lead generation or sales . By integrating AR 3D product model , visitors can simply scan a QR code anywhere within the digital experience and access product details , a pre-recorded 3D product tour or company overview .
AR / Smart Packaging is also an inseparable part of hybrid events . Our Genie in a Bottle solution empowers you to bring your brand ambassadors as AR holograms to your customers to promote brand awareness , increase sales and build a longterm and meaningful relationship with them via episodic content .
On the show floor , Genie in a Bottle could be enchanted into any object . For instance , if you ’ re planning a giveaway during your hybrid event , you could place the QR code on swag or goodie bags to attract more participants ( online and in-person ) that would then trigger the holographic presence when scanned .
Web AR and AR Advertising offer a fantastic opportunity to better engage existing customers for the e-commerce and retail industry .
Web AR empowers customers to experience 3D product models without having to download the app and are an effective solution for those looking to boost sales and decrease returns .
AR online banner ads are often used by clients to drive traffic to their 3D booths and encourage event registrations . They ’ re interactive , meaning the viewer can access the contents of the add and pinch or rotate the product , or in this case , the virtual booth .
3 . Places Want to take your attendees places they ’ ve never experienced before ? Nextech ’ s AR 360 Portals empower you to do just that . No destination is unattainable now it can all be recreated in a 3D digital environment .