Digital Event News April 2021 | Page 40


We can all agree that 2020 was the year of unprecedented challenges and innovations . Whilst physical events saw a significant drop in activity , virtual events were booming in all shapes and sizes . Some companies chose to opt out of events completely , others embraced this new format .

It ’ s safe to say that virtual events are here to stay looking at this statistic graphic , however many companies are now on the lookout for a new guy in town – hybrid .

What is a hybrid event , and is it really that new ?

Hybrid events are designed to merge both live and virtual event audiences .
Two distinct audiences can each participate in the same event , brought together through different virtual and live elements , designed to provide them with comparable experiences and outcomes from their interaction . The hybrid offering will make your event more visible than it would otherwise be .
For those of you who don ’ t know , iVent was celebrating its 10th year anniversary just last April , and with our 11th year anniversary fast approaching , it ’ s safe to say we ’ re virtual event veterans . We ’ ve been