Digital Continent Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul 2016 | Page 46

39 imperial appointment and the others had been installed by the Roman aristocracy. Five had been dismissed or deposed by the emperors. In order to address how a vacancy in the Apostolic See was to be filled, lay intervention would be affected in one manner or another.81 Henry III had intervened in the papacy at Sutri and Rome in 1046. He had deposed the successor of Peter and for many of the staunchest reformers, this was no different than the interference and manipulation exerted by the Theophylact and Crescentius families of Rome. For a secular ruler to intervene was nothing short of violation of canon law.82 The election process was in sore need of an overhaul and fortunately for the reformers a model for election reform was already in operation and successful. Under papal protection, the monastery of Cluny was emancipated from secular authority. Its charter called for free abbatial when they exercised the right to determine a commendable successor and protect against deterioration in reforming zeal, austere lifestyle and morality. Cluny was 81 Ullman, 128. 82 Cushing, 63-64.