Digital Continent Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul 2016 | Page 30

23 Unable to completely rely upon the nobles, the king turned to the clergy and the proprietary church system. In the Germanic successor states it was customary that a church or monastery founded by a landowner on his own property was subject to his disposition. The landowner held the title to the altar and everything associated with it because he held claim to the earth beneath it. As proprietor he was duty bound to install and support a priest in the dedicated church. The proprietor’s influence outweighed that of the bishop. The bishop could not refuse to ordain the proprietor’s nomination if he were properly educated and morally sound.44 In the proprietary church system, the lay lord ceremonially invested the cleric with his particular office. This practice, which involved all levels of clergy, allowed the royal government to obtain stability and maintain public order through the control of the church.45 The king held authority over high ranking ecclesiastical appointments and they were dependent upon the king. The proprietary church system, a constitutional and social principle, was foundational to the power of the monarchy. By the tenth century all crucial religious postings were dependent on the German monarchy. Those who held the posts were educated and part of an efficient 44 Blumenthal, The Investiture Controversy, 5-6. 45 Ullman, 143.