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arguments to put forth the coherence of his theory of transfinite numbers. 106 As a consequence, Cantor devoted many pages of his writings to opinions on infinity held by past mathematicians and philosophers, including Aristotle, Descartes, Spinoza, Hobbes, Berkeley, Locke, Leibniz and Bolzano, as well as theologians and Fathers of the Church. 107 The notion of infinity lies at the heart of mathematics and is most clearly manifested in the attempts to apply arithmetic to geometry. It is a classical conclusion of ancient mathematics that the length of the diagonal of a square is not commensurable with the side; i.e., the length of the diagonal cannot be expressed as a ratio of two whole numbers. The non-commensurability of the diagonal of a square with its side resulted in a sharp philosophical, if not practical, division between ancient arithmetic and geometry. However, by the 19 th century, mathematics practically identified geometry with arithmetic and identified numbers with points of a line. 108 The length of the diagonal of the unit square is a well-defined length, and hence it defines a point on the number line. That point, however, does not correspond to any points defined by the rational numbers; therefore, there must exist another kind of number, an irrational number, specifically √2, which is the measure of the length of the diagonal of the unit square. The value of √2 can be approximated by rational numbers to any desired accuracy, but in order to measure √2 exactly an infinite sequence of rational numbers is needed. In the nineteenth century, due to developments in calculus and functional analysis, limiting process and irrational numbers were a common place in mathematics. Very few mathematicians rejected the meaningfulness or existence of the irrational numbers. Cantor’s notion of transfinite numbers arises from a similar limiting process. 106 Ibid. Georg Cantor, Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers, tr. Phillip E. B. Jourdain (New York: Dover Publications, 1915), 55. 108 Ibid, 15. 107 Page 42 of 62