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The question of whether it was possible for God to create the world from all eternity caused extensive discussions in the thirteenth century which engaged the greatest scholastic theologians. Debates led to differing answers among Christian thinkers with St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Bonaventure representing two opposing positions. Bonaventure argued that the world could not have been created from all eternity because the notion of eternal creation was self- contradictory. Aquinas, on the other hand, maintained the possibility of eternal creation. Both Aquinas and Bonaventure struggled with the paradoxes arising from their attempts to grasp the notion of infinity. In fact, the concept of infinity and their respective understanding of the notion of creation were at the heart of Aquinas’ and Bonaventure’s responses and the source of their disagreement. In the nineteenth century, Georg Cantor’s extension of the notion of number to the transfinite numbers ignited a philosophical battle over the place of an actual infinity in mathematics. The goal of this thesis is to analyze and compare the notion of an actual infinity held by Aquinas and Bonaventure with that of Cantor and to show that Cantor shares the conviction of Bonaventure and Aquinas that mathematics alone cannot demonstrate the temporal beginning of the world. The five arguments of Aquinas and Bonaventure against the eternity of the world, which employ the notion of an actual infinite, are useful in exposing the difficulties arising from an infinite past time but are, by themselves, insufficient to settle the question of the eternity of the world. In Chapter 1, a sketch of the history of the question of the eternity of the world is presented as well as some important preliminary topics including the speculative nature of the question of the eternity of the world; Aquinas’s distinction between eternity and infinite temporal extension; and Bonaventure’s and Aquinas’s definitions of creation. Chapter 2 considers in detail Page 3 of 62