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to go to the field . 104 Cassuto , using related words in other languages from the region , interprets as appointing a place to meet , and translates the verse as ‘ Cain appointed a place where to ויֶ‏ ִ֥ א ׃ הת meet his brother Abel .’ 105
The word ־ ת הוֶ‏ in 4:8 is used elsewhere in the Old Testament to denote a place that is open and uninhabited . 106 It is also associated elsewhere in the Old Testament with the place where
crimes are committed , 107 such as 2 Sam 14:6 . 108 Wenham observes that “ In the law the circumstance that a crime is committed “ in the field ,” i . e ., out of range of help , is proof of premeditation .” 109 The implication here would seem to be that Cain met with Abel in a place that was isolated and far apart from any potential witnesses with a formed intention of committing harm against his brother . This would appear to be confirmed within the text when it informs us
־ וןֶַ‏ denotes an intentional murder , as distinct from ־ ‏ֶוֶ‏ א of Abel ’ s murder . The use of the word which is used within the fifth commandment as found in Ex 20:13 , 110 and which incorporates
הֶהת ־׃ י ִ ‏ַוי , thereof manslaughter as well as murder . 111 The repeated use of the words , or varients through this verse and subsequent verses underline the heinousness of Cain ’ s sin . 112
104 Ibid . For example , the Vulgate adds Egrediamur foras and the LXX adds Διέλθωμεν εἰς τὸ πεδίον . 105 Umberto Cassuto , A Commentary on the Book of Genesis , Kindle edition , 207-209 . 106 Nahum M . Sarna , Genesis , The JPS Torah Commentary , Verbum edition , 33 . 107 Ibid . 108 2 Sam 14:6 “ And your handmaid had two sons , and they quarreled with one another in the field ; there
was no one to part them , and one struck the other and killed him ” ( RSV ). This verse and Genesis 4:8 both use the
word ־ ־ הוֶ‏ ֶ֥ in identifying the location where the respective incidents occurred . 109 Gordon J . Wenham , Genesis 1 – 15 , Volume 1 , Word Biblical Commentary , Verbum edition , 106 .
ִ֥ ִ֖ תא ׃ ימ הו ־ ןת ִ֖ ַ ). RSV 110 Ex 20:13 “ You shall not kill ” ( 111 Victor P Hamilton , The Book of Genesis , Chapters 1-17 , Scribd . com edition , 366 .
112 K . A . Mathews , Genesis 1-11 , Kindle edition , 273 .