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, יֶי ‏ֶַו ). The expression יֶתב י ה תִ֖‏ ־ ־ ־תתוי ( fell ) and that his face יֶי ‏ֶַו ( hot the text tells us that Cain became rooted in the Hebrew word ־ַ‏ ־וֶ‏ , denotes the kindling of anger within a person . 71 Wenham notes that the kindling of anger within a person is often the prelude to murder within the Old Testament . 72 The expression of a face falling can be taken to denote sadness and depression . 73 However , Scarlata observes that this expression can also be taken to denote an intensity of anger . 74 He notes that one of other instances of this expression being used within the Old Testament occurs in Jer . 3:12 , 75 and in this instance the idiom of a face falling denotes an angry vengeance . 76 This interpretation finds favor with some commentators , such as Von Rad – “ Hot resentment had risen in Cain , which had distorted even his body !” 77 Interestingly , Kessler and Deurloo see the physical reaction of Cain ’ s face falling as a breaking of communication between Cain and God . 78 Whether Cain was angry , depressed , or both , his reaction to God ’ s response to the offerings of the brothers would certainly seem to indicate a sense of distancing in his relationship with God .
Genesis 4:6-7 יֶ‏ ִ֥ א ׃ התו הוֶ‏ ־יִֶ֖‏ ה ׃ת ־ יִ‏ יוא מ ־ת ־לֶ‏ ־ ‏ַ־וֶ‏ ־ ־תל הי ־תִ֖‏ ־לֶ‏ ־ת ה ׃ תִ֥‏ ־ ־׃ התתוָא הֶתא ׃ י ׃ו מֵּ֣‏ ו י ו ַ הת ׃־ֵּ֣‏ ָֽ הי י ׃ וַ‏ תא ׃ ֵָּֽ֣ ו ־י ו תֶ‏ ה ִֶָֽ֖ ַ ֶַ ־ָּ֣׃ָֽ‏ או ‏ִֵּ֣מ הי ֵּ֣ ׃ ַ התוַָ‏ המא־ ־ ־ יָֽא הי ֶ ׃ ־ מִ֖‏ ֶ ימ הת ־את ת ‏֥אא
71 K . M . Beyse , “ ‏ַתו ” in Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament , vol . 4 , edited by G . J . Botterweck ,
H . Ringgren , and H . J . Fabry , translated by D . E . Green , ( Grand Rapids , MI : Eerdmans , 2006 ), 474 . 72 Gordon J . Wenham , Genesis 1 – 15 , Volume 1 , Word Biblical Commentary , Verbum edition , ( Dallas :
Word , Incorporated , 1998 ), 104 . 73 Nahum M . Sarna , Genesis , The JPS Torah Commentary , Verbum edition , 33 .
74 M . W . Scarlata , Outside of Eden : Cain in the Ancient Versions of Genesis 4:1-16 , 53-54 . 75 Jer . 3:12 ‘ Go , and proclaim these words toward the north , and say , “ Return , faithless Israel , says the
Lord . I will not look on you in anger , for I am merciful , says the Lord ; I will not be angry for ever ”’ ( RSV ). The
תתא ׃ ֶ ׃ י ִ֥ ות ־ תֶ‏ ‏ִ֖ו ־֥‏ הִֹו : is relevant phrase in this passage in Hebrew 76 M . W . Scarlata , Outside of Eden : Cain in the Ancient Versions of Genesis 4:1-16 , 54 .
77 Gerhard von Rad , Genesis : A Commentary , revised Kindle edition , translated by John H . Marks ,
( Philadelphia , Pa .: Westminster Press , 1972 ), Kindle location 1970-1971 . 78 Martin Kessler and Karel Adriaan Deurloo , A Commentary On Genesis ( New York : Paulist Press , 2004 ),
61 .