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the first born of humans and animals are seen as belonging to God , 56 as can be seen in texts such as Ex 13:12 , 15b . 57 Abel ’ s selection of the firstlings of his flock as an offering for the Lord aligns , therefore , with the biblical principle that the first-born belongs to God . Abel also selected the choicest portions of his firstlings to offer to God . The text states that he offered from their fat
The fatty portions of an animal had a particular significance in the sacrificial system ‏.(־ תֵּ֣ת הַ‏ הת ֵּ֣ הִֶא ( outlined within the Old Testament . 58 Texts such as Ezek . 44:7 59 reveal that blood and fat are seen as belonging to God . 60 It was thought that the burnt fat created an aroma that was pleasing to God . 61
We receive no such details regarding Cain ’ s sacrifice . The text simply states that Cain offered fruit from the ground ( ית ה יוִ‏ ו ־ ‏ֶת ה ׃ ־ו ־תֶ‏ ). However , just as the firstlings of humans and animals were seen as belonging to God , so too the first fruits of the harvest were seen as being reserved to God . 62 Texts such as Ex 23:19 63 indicate that the first fruits of a harvest must be offered to God . 64 Given that the text is precise in indicating Abel ’ s offering originated from the firstling of his flock , the omission of any such detail in regard to Cain ’ s offering would surely indicate that his offering did not originate from the first fruit of his harvest . 65 As such , many commentators
56 Ibid , 357 . 57 Ex 13:12 , 15b ‘ you shall set apart to the LORD all that first opens the womb . All the firstlings of your
cattle that are males shall be the LORD ’ s … Therefore I sacrifice to the LORD all the males that first open the womb ;
but all the first-born of my sons I redeem ’ ( RSV ). 58 Victor P Hamilton , The Book of Genesis , Chapters 1-17 , Scribd . com edition , 356 .
59 Ezek . 44:7 ‘ in admitting foreigners , uncircumcised in heart and flesh , to be in my sanctuary , profaning it ,
when you offer to me my food , the fat and the blood . You have broken my covenant , in addition to all your
abominations ’ ( RSV , emphasis added ). 60 Victor P Hamilton , The Book of Genesis , Chapters 1-17 , Scribd . com edition , 356 .
61 Ibid . 62 Ibid , 357 . 63 Ex 23:19 “ The first of the first fruits of your ground you shall bring into the house of the LORD your
God ’ ( RSV ). The Hebrew text of Exodus 23:19 is יֹּ֥‏ ־ וֵּ֣‏ וַ‏ ֶ ׃ הו ־ תהָֽ‏ ־ָ‏ – the first fruit of your land . 64 Victor P Hamilton , The Book of Genesis , Chapters 1-17 , Scribd . com edition , 357 .
65 John Byron , Cain and Abel in Text and Tradition , 40 ; M . W . Scarlata , Outside of Eden : Cain in the Ancient Versions of Genesis 4:1-16 , 52 .