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Sr. Faustina also observed that, Jesus’ suffering in His soul differed from what He went through on Holy Thursday (Diary, # 648). (13.3) Yes, Just Like Jesus in Suffering - Just Like Him in Glory. (Diary, # 446) Sr. Faustina saw Jesus nailed on the Cross at another time. She then saw a succession of three distinct groups of souls. The first throng of souls were crucified just like Jesus on the Cross, the most numerous being “those of the clergy.” Sr. Faustina knew some of them, which greatly delighted her. Then came a second throng of souls who were not nailed to their crosses, but holding them securely in their hands. The third throng were not nailed to their crosses nor did they hold their crosses securely in their hands. Instead, they were sullenly “dragging their crosses behind them.” Then Jesus told Sr. Faustina, “Do you see these souls? Those who are like Me in the pain and contempt they suffer will be like Me also in glory. And those who resemble Me less, in pain and contempt, will also bear less resemblance to Me in glory.” Later, Jesus also said, “In your meditation tomorrow, you shall think about what you have seen today.” Jesus then vanished. (13.4) God Provides in Suffering and Presses Heavenward, in Jesus 198 (Diary, # 1620): Sr. Faustina prayed to the Lord God, grateful for His Providence, in Jesus. If He did not “sustain” her, she would “not be able to persevere on the cross.” His great grace preserves her, allows her to progress, and “to make her own sufferings meritorious.” He always provides the “strength” to keep advancing resolutely towards gaining Heaven, as well as “to have love in my heart for those from whom I suffer adversities and contempt. With Your grace one can do all things” (Diary, # 1620). 198 Ibid., Faustina, Diary, # 1620. 109