Digital Continent Digital Continent Easter 2017 | Page 49

sin.” The penitent is reconciled to God through the blood of the lamb, to “intimate friendship” through the sacrament of reconciliation. 124 Conversion and penance are man’s answer to God’s offer of a reconciliation, rendered possible and conveyed by God’s grace. Penance, is therefore, at the same time a gift of God and a free, morally responsible act of man (actus humanus), in which man as the responsible subject avows his evil acts but at the same time changes his life by a personal decision and gives a new direction to God. 125 The healing sacrament of anointing of the sick, Extreme Unction in the case of those who are near death, where God’s people are strengthened through Christ’s suffering on the cross. God’s people exhibit their love of God through the virtue of fortitude whereby God’s people endure their physical suffering as His Son endured the Cross, by the sacred Anointing of the Sick and the prayer of her priests the whole Church commends the sick to the suffering and glorified Lord, asking that he may lighten their suffering and save them (cf. Jas 5:14-16); she exhorts them, moreover, to contribute to the welfare of the whole people of God by associating themselves freely with the passion and death of Christ (cf. Rm 8:17; Col 1:24; 2 Tim 2:11-12; 1 Pt 4:13)” (LG, n.11). 124 St.Pius V, The Catechism of the Council of Trent, Trans., John A. McHugh, OP, Charles J. Callan, OP, (IL: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., 1982), 265. 125 International Theological Commission, Penance and Reconciliation, 1982, penitenza_en.html, accessed 6/14/2016, n.1.