Digital Continent Digital Continent Easter 2017 | Page 40

The Trinity: Fides The Catholic church today as was professed by the Fourth Lateran Council 1215, is Trinitarian, The Holy Trinity, which leads us to contemplate and worship the divine life of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit: a life of communion and perfect love, origin and aim of all the universe and of every creature: God. We also recognize in the Trinity the model for the Church, in which we are called to love each other as Jesus loved us. And love is the concrete sign that demonstrates faith in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 104 These truths regarding the trinity are better explained in light of St. Anselem of Caterbury’s (1033 – 1109) motto, fides quaerens intellectum, “faith seeking understanding.” 105 Fides, Faith which is “an obedient response to God” (FR, n.13), to His Word, is an encounter with the Word that is God, the first encounter. Faith calls God’s people to action, to respond to their belief in 104 Pope Francis, Angelus, St. Peter’s Square Sunday, 15 June 2014,, accessed June 20, 2016 105 Saint Anselm, The Theistic Proofs, “Faith Seeking Understanding”: The character and purpose of Anselm’s theistic proofs,, accessed June 7, 2016.