Digital Continent Digital Continent Easter 2017 | Page 36

The Order of Friars Preachers Even though Innocent passed from this life to the next in a relatively short period of time following the council , the work of the council proceeded . Dominic de Guzman went back to Prouille to give the good news that the Order of Preachers , ordo praedicatorum , “ had been validly constituted and approved ,” name withstanding , under the rule of St . Augustine . He then travelled to Toulouse to move forward in God ’ s work of battling the heretical teachings of the Albigensians through words and deeds in the fashion of the apostles . 97 To effectively evangelize Dominic set to the task of “ growing ” the order . Pope Honorius III , following Innocent III in his purposefulness in ridding the south of France of this most devastating heresy gave the apostolic blessing in the use of the name to the Friars Preachers as he wrote in the bull Gratiarum omnium largitori of January 21 , 1217 , “ You are Preachers … well be Preachers !” 98 Dominic could not be tired out from his calling to evangelize , to educate God ’ s people as he continued to attack all manner of heresy until his death , August 6 , 1221 . 99
97 M . H . Vicaire , Saint Dominic and His Times . Trans . Kathleen Pond , ( WI : Alt Publishing Company , 1964 ), 201 . 98 Ibid ., 224 . 99 Walter Wakefield , Heresy , Crusade and Inquisition in Southern France , 1100-1250 , ( CA : University of California
Press , 1974 ), 138 .