Digital Continent Digital Continent Easter 2017 | Page 34

to eternal blessedness.” 88 These constitutions speaking directly to and denouncing the heretical teachings of the Cathars. The council in the second constitution corrected the errors of Abbot Joachim who had condemned Peter Lombard for correctly teaching “a Trinity in God” as opposed to Abbot Joachim who taught a “quaternary.” 89 This correction regarding the Trinity of God being important since the Cathars did not believe in its existence. The constitutions of the Fourth Lateran Council went on to address heresy definitively in the third constitution, “We excommunicate and anathematize every heresy raising itself up against this holy, orthodox and catholic faith…We condemn all heretics, whatever names they may go under.” 90 The council included disciplinary laws for those who were found to be in heresy, that both cleric and laity would be handed over to the local secular authorities for their just punishment. Though those who perpetuated heresy against the church would receive excommunication the church gave those condemned a year to recant, to come back into orthodoxy, whereby the excommunication would be lifted. 91 The constitutions of the Lateran Council sought to correct the wrongs perpetuated by the heretics in the south of France while also seeking to correct the errors of the clergy as well as gaining support for a crusade to the holy Land. Pope Innocent believed that ill formed clerics led to the heresy perpetrated throughout the Christian world. When clerics were not well educated 88 Ibid., 240. Clement Rabb, OFM, The Twenty Ecumenical Councils of the Catholic Church, (MD: The Newman Press, 1959), 93. 90 Fourth Lateran Council,, accessed, February 5, 2016, n.3. 91 Ibid.,n.3. 89