Digital Continent Digital Continent Easter 2017 | Page 22

Lotario dei conti de Segni: Innocent III Beasts of many kinds are attempting to destroy the vineyard of the Lord of Sabaoth, and their onset has so far succeeded against it that over no small area thorns have sprung up instead of vines and (with grief we report it!) the vines themselves are variously infected and diseased, and instead of the grape they bring forth the wild grape. Therefore, we invoke the testimony of Him, who is a faithful witness in the Heavens, that of all the desires of our heart we long chiefly for two in this life, namely that we may work successfully to recover the Holy Land and to reform the Universal Church, both of which call for attention so immediate as to preclude further apathy or delay unless at the risk of great and serious danger. 45 “Lotario dei conti di Segni of Gavignano (Rome)” elected to serve the Church as Pope Innocent III on the day of the death of Pope Celestine III, January 8, 1198. 46 Consecrated as the ‘Vicar of Christ’ on the feast of St. Peter’s Chair, February 22, 1198. 47 Lotario was born into the Conti family, his mother Clarice Scotti married Trasmondo of Segni, his uncle was Pope 45 Edward Peters, ed., Christian Society and the Crusades 1198 – 1229, (PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1971),ix. 46 th Innocent III: 176 Pope of the Catholic Church, iii.html, accessed March 28, 2016. 47 Jane Sayre, Innocent III: Leader of Europe, 1198-1216, (UK: Longman Group Ltd., 1994), 305, Kindle.