Digital Cities Digital Cities | Page 5


Hello everybody,

Here is Vlad, one of the Digital Cities editorial team and I am glad that I can present you the work that I’ve done together with my team members on this magazine.

I am originally coming from Romania, and I arrived to Scotland’s capital city last year to study Digital Media, here at Edinburgh Napier University. As I am coming from a different country, my point of view about the city is seen with different “eyes” because I have a different culture and life experience.

Since I arrived in Edinburgh, I felt it as a welcoming, friendly and peaceful city. Moreover, studying at the university Digital Cities module, helped me to discover new interesting facts and gain more information about the city.

Being part of the group and creating this magazine was an interesting and nice experience, as we all had to contribute with ideas about the design, articles and in the end we had to take a decision that have made us happy. In this magazine I have created the articles called Fringe and Edinburgh Streets, which are based in my true experience. Because my professional background is coming from a creative area I’ve had checked the design for the majority of the articles.

Finally, we’ve created this nice magazine, that we are happy to share it with you and hopefully you will enjoy reading it as well as we had doing it.

Hello everyone!

I am one of the Digital Cities editorial team and I am glad that I can present you the work that I’ve done together with my fellow team members on this magazine.

I am originally from Romania, and I arrived to Scotland’s capital city last year to study Digital Media at Edinburgh Napier University. As I come from a different country, my point of view about the city is seen with different eyes because I have a different culture and life experience.

Since I arrived in Edinburgh, I felt it as a welcoming, friendly and peaceful city. Moreover, studying at the Experiencing The Digital Citiy module helped me to discover new interesting facts and gain more knowledge about the city.

Being part of the group and creating this magazine was an interesting and nice experience, as we all had to contribute our ideas to design and articles and in the end we had to find a decision we would all be happy with. In this magazine I have created the articles called Fringe and Edinburgh Streets which are based in my true experience. Because my professional background is coming from a creative area I’ve focused on and checked the design for the majority of the articles.

Finally, we’ve created this magazine that we are happy to share it with you and hopefully you will enjoy reading it as much as we had creating it.