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At the end of every semester, the group performs a big concert showing off their results of twelve weeks’ rehearsals.

The music spans from a capella over gospel to rock and pop and is accompanied by a live band and soloists, all sourced from within the group.

Whilst the focus in this society is on experiencing a community and having fun, being able to lead groups and self-confidence are of course great assets to have in today’s job world! It gives graduating students a competitive edge and makes them stand out from the crowd.

If you think that making music is not your thing, there is still a lot more to choose from though. Edinburgh university also offers cultural, sports, political, societal, common interests and even food societies! Whether you want to find people to play chess with, take part in Model United Nations or meet fellow film geeks – all this is available at just a mouse click away!

Have a look at for the full listing of Edinburgh university’s societies and start choosing for your ultimate experience and meeting new friends in Scotland’s capital!

The group is led by a committee that consists a president and vice-president, of two music coordinators, a treasurer, a concert organiser and an events coordinator who arranges social events outside of semesters.

All these people are voted by the society’s members and are again sourced from within the group. This means that the same people who participate in the society get a chance to develop themselves.

Everyone is encouraged to discover their personal abilities and strengths, disregarding pre-knowledge or experience.

This means that young students who first join the group as very introverted, shy people often turn into self-confident young adults able to take charge and lead groups.