digital_C11_SUM23 | Page 47

Nothing quite beats the feeling of cuddling up on the couch at the end of a long day with a warm blanket and a good snack to indulge in your most recent pop culture obsession . And while advisors may have never thought their clients ’ tendencies to reach for the remote would impact their bottom line , it turns out that television consumption , and the wanderlust it inspires , is one of travel ’ s biggest trends in 2023 .

Referred to as “ set-jetting ,” the new term is a catch-all for the role modern media plays in influencing viewers ’ desire to travel . And according to a recent study from Expedia Group , the impact is strong with nearly two-thirds of U . S . travelers ( 68 %) stating they ’ ve considered visiting a destination after seeing it on TV , and 61 % reporting they booked a trip . With stats like that , it ’ s apparent that binging is big business , but where are travelers going ? Here are three shows that sparked inspiration over the last year .
The pool where Portia first encounters Jack in “ The White Lotus .”