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Stunning views of the snow-capped Southern Alps near Cass from the TranzAlpine service by Great Journeys New Zealand
Clockwise from top left : A flower market in San Miguel de Allende , Mexico ; a train crosses the mountain in a sea of fog ; a woman in colorful Garifuna dress ; a pedestrian zone in a city center full of bikers .
Even further , she said , advisors have the power to redirect money to sustainable businesses and practices , forcing other businesses to adopt sustainable practices to compete — and they ’ re obligated to use this power to make change with each booking . Rebecca Gade Sawicki , head of vegan travel agency Veggies Abroad , agrees . “ Travel advisors play a crucial role in promoting more sustainable practices and options to their clients and in pushing the companies and properties they work with to adapt and change ,” she said .
Advisors say responsibility begins with educating themselves on sustainability so they can then inform clients . From there , they can work to build sustainable best practices into their core businesses and help channel client dollars toward more sustainable travel options , too .
Here ’ s how you can get started :
AND STAY UPDATED ON EMERGING TRENDS . It ’ s critical to understand how the travel industry fits into environmental impacts and efforts . “ We have a responsibility to stay informed about the latest trends and developments in sustainable travel ,” said Winkaffe . “ In doing so , we are better equipped to provide our clients with accurate and relevant information that will enable them to make informed choices .”
Education involves continuous learning about emerging technologies , green certifications and industry best practices , as well as keeping up to date with various destinations ’ relevant policies and initiatives . Armed with knowledge , advisors can help foster a culture of responsible travel among their clients .
Already , 90 % of travelers want sustainable travel options , and 65 % actively seek these options as they book , according to Expedia data . That means most clients are open — and even eager — to learn more about how their travel choices impact the environment .
“ We provide guidance on how to respect local customs and traditions , support local economies and preserve the natural and cultural heritage of the destinations they visit ,” Winkaffe said . “ By sharing tips on reducing waste , conserving water and energy , and choosing eco-friendly accommodations and transportation options , we empower our clients to adopt sustainable practices throughout their journeys .”
And it starts small . Educating clients can be as simple as :
• Offering guidance on how to interact safely with local wildlife
• Creating a map that can be shared with clients that outlines where bottled water is unnecessary because the tap water is safe to drink
• Providing location-specific transportation options that are more sustainable
Staying educated to create an ever-more sustainable travel experience is a “ shared responsibility between the industry and the travelers ,” added Erika Richter , vice president of communications for the American Society of Travel Advisors ( ASTA ).
For its part , ASTA educates its membership with sustainability learning opportunities at its global convention . ( The association also offsets all its own live events through donations to Eden Reforestation .)
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