digital_C11_SUM23 | Page 23

Donnie Dawson played a vital role in bringing nonstop flights to Jamaica , whose sparkling shoreline is pictured above .
successful needs to be connecting , informing and educating advisors . He knew from the start he wanted a strong travel agency relationship and has always shown support for advisors .
“ I ’ m a big advocate , strong advocate for the retail travel advisors ,” Dawson said . “ Travel agents have over the years reinvented themselves , realigned themselves and become even more professional in their business than they used to be .”
This way of thinking led him and his team to create the Jamaica Travel Specialist Program , an educational training program that about 48,000 travel advisors have graduated from . The program is in English , French and Spanish for retail travel advisors in Canada and the United States , and it recently launched in Latin America .
According to Dawson , having a specialty is important , and he urges advisors to figure out what theirs is and hone in on it .
“ My advice to all the travel advisors is , stay within your lane ,” Dawson said . “ Try to specialize so people understand who you are . Educate yourself . Be an expert . Be an expert , whether it is destinations , whether it ’ s cruises , whatever it is , be an expert . Don ’ t try to be everything to everybody . That will never work . Try to stay within your lane .”
As Dawson transitions into retirement , he plans to travel without any stress or deadlines , play a lot of golf , stop and smell the roses and “ just enjoy .”
“ I always pack one outfit extra because you never can tell what ’ s going to happen the last day . And because I like to eat and try different foods , I always have a packet of Tums in my suitcase .”