Physical Recovery
Your Healing Body
The recovery process varies , but for most women , it takes six weeks or more to physically recover . If you experienced physical trauma during birth , such as tearing , an episiotomy , severe blood loss or a cesarean , you will likely require more care and time for recovery than a birth without these challenges . It may take a year or more to regain prepregnancy muscle tone and vitamin and mineral reserves . You can help speed your recovery by prioritizing your rest , nutrition and needs . It is also important to follow your health care provider ’ s recommendations and not overexert yourself .
The Days and Weeks After Birth
These are common physical discomforts in the first days and weeks after birth :
• Continued exhaustion and soreness .
• Gas , bloating , hemorrhoids or constipation .
• Continued tenderness in the perineum , lessening with time .
• Breast tenderness from engorgement , nipple soreness or leaking breast milk .
• Continued bleeding and vaginal discharge , called lochia , that gradually subsides after two to six weeks .
• Leaking urine due to stretching of the pelvic floor muscles ( stress incontinence ).
• Profuse sweating , especially at night .
• Changing hormones may cause hair to thin , or you may lose large amounts of hair in the weeks and months following birth .
Help Your Body Heal
These steps can help ease and speed your body ’ s recovery :
• Use ice on your bottom ( perineum ) to help reduce swelling and soreness .
• Soak in a few inches of warm water ( or use a sitz bath ) once a day for twenty minutes .
• Drink lots of fluids and eat well-balanced meals at frequent , regular intervals .
• Continue to take your prenatal vitamins and minerals , especially magnesium and iron .
• Rest and keep baby close .
Using the Bathroom
After giving birth , using the bathroom can feel intimidating . After urinating , rinse with a peri bottle ( pictured ), then gently dab dry . Don ’ t strain while having a bowel movement . A stool softener can help , if needed .
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