Welcome to Pregnancy
Congratulations !
Pregnancy is a time of many changes . It is normal to feel excited , anxious , uncertain , or all of these and more . You will also experience a range of physical symptoms . Nausea and exhaustion are common in the early weeks . Other changes happen as your baby grows and your body changes . It is helpful to understand what your body is going through and how to take steps to be as healthy and comfortable as possible at each stage of pregnancy . This guide will walk you through everything you need to know .
Your Due Date
Your due date is calculated either by adding forty weeks to the first day of your last menstrual period ( LMP ) or by using an early ultrasound to measure baby ’ s development . Either way , your due date is simply an educated guess . There is a five-week interval ( from 37 to 42 weeks ) that is a normal range for pregnancy length . Only about four percent of babies are born on their due dates .
Keys to a Healthy Pregnancy
• Go to regular prenatal health care visits and be involved in your care . You can learn about routine tests and what to expect at your appointments on pages 6 – 8 .
• Avoid consuming or exposing yourself and your baby to potentially harmful substances . For details , see page 11 .
• Take steps to improve your health in key areas . You can evaluate how you are currently doing on page 12 .
• Minimize your stress and use stress coping techniques to manage your stress . Plenty of sleep and rest is also important . For tips and ideas , see page 13 .
• Eat a nutritious diet with lots of fresh vegetables and fruits , whole grains , high quality protein , and water to drink . Learn more about nutrition on pages 14 – 16 .
• Stay active and aim for thirty or more minutes of daily exercise . See pages 18 – 21 .
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