Be Sure .
Be sure . In the last two years , these two words seemed far out of reach . So many of us were forced to pivot at home , work , school , and in the community . The only sure thing was change . And at Deeley , we have been focused on creating certainty and security in a world of transition . We were definitely not so sure a lot of the time .
We found a quiet space to really think about how we could tell our associates , colleagues , clients , and the community , “ It ’ s OK . Be sure .” As you know , we are bold and authentic in the way we approach business and life . But we took some time to lean in , nurture talent , support an evolving workplace , and be there no matter what for our clients . We had to Be Sure of our approach , and this is still the case amid a tumultuous global environment .
What emerged was an “ aha ” that yes , change is constant . But there are some things that do not change — and those are things you can own . Consider this your invitation to action : Be Sure — Reclaim Your Peace of Mind . Be Sure is about feeling secure – which builds confidence . You got this .
There are simple steps you can take today , and we will show you how in these pages .
You can prepare your team for a safe season , avoid costly water and workers compensation claims , adapt to labor shortages — and find calm amid chaos . We are committed to helping you solve problems before they become serious issues .
You can Be Sure your homes , properties , and businesses are protected no matter what .
You can Be Sure our team is here to champion yours . You can Be Sure and be secure . In making this promise , we recognize that peace of mind only happens when our clients and advisors collaborate to build customized , relevant coverage programs .
We can ’ t control everything in life . That ’ s a huge takeaway from the last two years , and one we ’ re continuing to live and learn . But we can focus on what matters and recover our sense of security by getting real , staying focused , working together , and communicating openly and often .
Tell us how you are going to Be Sure . We can ’ t wait to hear from you . +
Laura Deeley Bren – President DeeleyInsurance . com
This issue is made possible by our generous sponsors .
These companies have your security at heart and teamed with us to bring you these practical , inspirational articles .