Different stages about life.. 1 | Page 17

He had spoken very highly of the friends he met in theater, so the girl assumed drug use was simply a

normal part of theater culture.

Even though teenagers begin to place more importance on friends during adolescence, the views of

family members are also important factors of how teenagers develop their perceptions of drugs and

alcohol. Because there are often underlying factors for teen drug use, psychological help is often

required during the treatment process. Substance abuse counselors and therapists exist to help these

teens defeat addiction and overcome negative life events that led them to abuse,

when teenagers become addicted to drugs, their whole world spirals out of control. Even if they

want to stop, they find the social pressures, not to mention addictive qualities of drugs, make quitting

almost impossible .But teens who feel they are in a hopeless situation do not need to tackle their

addictions alone. Therapists with empirically based treatments are available to help teens overcome

their drug problems, as well as mend the broken relationships resulting from drug use.

I was a chain SMOKER before, but i quit now... after effects of this its so dangerous... it can give relief

only on the present time..... after that it killng the human body.....

Being an ex smoker and a counselor I have found one of the most difficult things with quitting

smoking is losing motivation when things get tough..