Different Perspective Sports Magazine Issue 3 | Page 3
Editor’s Musings
Being a professional sports photographer is in some ways a dream
job, one that many would envy. I am able to watch each race from the
best locations, get behind the scenes and have access to the stars.
However, you the reader only get to see a very limited number of the
images I create either online or in print magazines. The latter by their
very nature are confined to printing just a small selection from even the
biggest events. The smaller regional races hardly get a look in as there
simply is no space. In addition, the images that do appear are often
the “hero” shots showing the winner or suitable star. I find these just a
little bit boring and want to see more of the action.
I have started Different Perspective to bring to you, the sports fan, a broader range of
images than otherwise available. These will be shot by myself and as we become more
established and have an income those of other photographers. Image sets will usually
be accompanied by interviews and comments from those associated with the sport and
not always the stars. I prefer those who are less guarded and not media trained. I want
interesting answers and not polished ones devised by stars representatives.
ADVERTISING - For this publication to continue and flourish I need to attract advertisers
but as I am a photographer I have no skills in ad sales. The magazine is provided to you
free of charge and read by thousands of people, so if you are in a position to place an
advert (or know someone who is) please get in touch with me [email protected]
HELP ME REACH OUT - this is a free magazine and to attract advertisers allowing it to
continue I need as many readers as possible. Please share my website www.differentperspective.co.uk on your Facebook, Twitter and any other social media pages.
To ensure you do not miss any editions of this MAGAZINE please subscribe below and
follow me on Twitter @TriPhotographer.
Thanks and I hope you enjoy it - David Pearce