Different Perspective Sports Magazine Issue 1 | Page 3
Editor’s Musings
Being a professional triathlon photographer is in some ways a dream
job, one that many would envy. I am able to watch each race from the
best locations, get behind the scenes and have access to the stars.
However, you the reader only get to see a very limited number of the
images I create either online or in print magazines. The latter by their
very nature are confined to printing just a small selection from even the
biggest events. The smaller regional races hardly get a look in as there
simply is no space. In addition, the images that do appear are often
the “hero” shots showing the winner or suitable star.
Different Perspective magazine is designed to address this by acting
as a showcase of my work. Distributed free of charge globally I will
show you mostly unseen documentary footage from both large races such as Ironman and
the ITU World Championship to smaller more local events. I will portray the story of the
race and get under the skin of it. I hope you will be able to relate to the people shown as
they, in some capacity, will be similar to you as I focus as much on age groupers as the
I have waited to have almost 3 editions ready to go before publishing this one. The 2nd
and 3rd editions will be :Issue 2 - An Ironman Wales Special with 5 interviews (published 1st November)
Issue 3 - ITU World Championship Finals, interviews with David McNamee and Lois
Rosindale, Airstreem Bikes shoot, Masters swimming championship and much more.
(published 1st December)
I often attend races at my own expense and am creating this magazine for you at no cost.
Like most people I have bills to pay, a family to provide for and equipment to buy enabling
me to produce this for you. As such, if you would like to leave a “tip” of however much, it
would be greatly appreciated. You may do so via PayPal by opening up the “tip” window
David Pearce