Winters are approaching and the most
affected body part is skin. I have tried many skin
care products but not much effect. Please advise
some skin care tips and diet which can build up the
skin internally for winters.
Chill and cold during winters can play havoc to your
skin. Results could be as bad as dryness, dullness,
tanning, and even premature ageing. The main
objective during winters should be to keep the skin
Excessive intake of water lowers sodium levels in the
hydrated and moisturised. A healthy diet and little
blood; eat a healthy balanced diet of fruits, vegetables,
care can help you tackle these conditions.
whole grains, nuts and natural oils, as each food
component has some amount of sodium . Green, leafy
these helps in preserving collagen, a fibrous protein
vegetables are not only rich in sodium but contain that keeps skin firm.
· Include spinach every third day in your winter diet.
Spinach boasts lutein, a carotenoid that protects
your skin from UV damage.
· Wear the sunscreen whenever moving out.
· The skin on your hands is thinner than on most parts
of the body and has fewer oil glands. That means it's
harder to keep your hands moist, especially in cold,
dry weather. This can lead to itchiness and cracking.
Wear gloves when you go outside.
· Do not take bath with extremely hot water. The
intense heat of a hot shower or bath actually breaks
down the lipid barriers in the skin, which can lead to
a loss of moisture.
· Your hands, feet, knees and elbows need to be
looked after too, during winter. Use products
containing shea butter, petrolatum, mineral oil, tea
tree oil or glycerin.