Diet Mail Diet Mantra Wellness Magazine | Page 5

DIET MANTRA EVENTS DIET MANTRA at LUDHIANA cerebrating CHRISTMAS with its CLIENTS ·Vitamins You may have missed your vitamins all weekend… Get back on your multivitamin and omega 3s. You need to replenish your system that may have been depleted over the course of the weekend. These will help with mental clarity, detoxification, and cellular health. · Get Back to Your Healthy Eating Green veggies, lean proteins, healthy fats, and whole grains are essential in getting you back on track. For 5 days try to stay away from sweets. Pump up your nutrition by drinking a Green Drink every morning and including green veggies like broccoli and asparagus twice a day. ·Drink Green Tea Now, more than ever, you need antioxidants to get rid of the free radicals you built up all weekend. Drink 2-3 cups of Green tea each day for next few week. If you haven't done it before you will notice how amazing you feel from it. Six Steps to Detox after Long holidays · Water You need to flush all the toxins built up from a weekend of campfire smoke, off-plan food, and other indulgences. This is not to mention the dehydrating alcoholic drinks and lack of water consumption that occurred during the holidays. Drink 2-3 Liters of water a day, period. This is an essential step in your detox. · Exercise No matter if you feel like it or not get back into your exercise routine. The following day after vacation is the perfect day to start exercising again. The term “sweat it out” has a definite truth to it! Make sure to give it your all while working out. It's not about working longer – its about working out harder. · Dandelion Root Tea This tea is an important part of liver detoxification. Try one cup a day for the next three days. Try dandelion tea and see how it makes you feel. You will be surprised. DIET MANTRA at LUDHIANA cerebrating CHRISTMAS with its CLIENTS