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New Year
Healthier You
Director Speak
New Year’s resolutions are a bit like babies: They’re fun happier. Don’t decide to change to please anyone but
to make but extremely difficult to maintain.
Each January, roughly one in three people resolve to
better themselves in some way. A much smaller
percentage of people actually make good on those
resolutions. While about 75% of people stick to their
goals for at least a week, less than half (46%) are still on
target six months later.
Use positive language. Talk to yourself positively and
develop a “can-do” attitude. Find a realistic role model
living your goal. If they can do it, so can you.
Set realistic goals. Make resolutions that are doable for
you. If you want to exercise five times a week, but
haven’t done it in the past, set your goal to exercise
twice a week.
friends, and co-workers to encourage you when your
resolve weakens. If your resolution involves quitting a
serious addiction like smoking, drinking or an eating
disorder, get professional help and join a support group
if possible.
Anticipate roadblocks and rebound from set-backs. If
things come up that prevent you from sticking to your
plan, make alternative plans for situations you cannot
It's hard to keep up the enthusiasm months after you've avoid. See how you can get back on track as quickly as
swept up the confetti, but it's not impossible. This year, possible and do better next time. Track your progress
pick one of the following worthy resolutions, and stick periodically. Try once a week.
with it. Here’s to your health!
Build a support team. Get support from your family,
Take small steps. Set small goals you can achieve more
quickly in the interim that achieve more quickly in the
interim that work toward your overall goal. These will
give you a more immediate feeling of success. Be
specific. Rather than “I will exercise more,” try “I will go
for a walk at lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays.” Write
down your resolution and a realistic action plan. Try to
make your plan as easy as possible for yourself.
Change for yourself. Look at your solutions as positive
changes that will help you live healthier and
Celebrate your successes. Reward yourself when you
meet your smaller goals, as well as celebrate when you
achieve your resolutions.
Appreciate what you have and build on it for a healthier
lifestyle. Welcome the New Year with a renewed
commitment to living healthy. These wellness
resolutions will keep you energized, fit, and beautiful,
inside and out.,