Diet Mail Diet Mantra Wellness Magazine- Health Day Special | Page 9
heating type and keep you warm. Likewise, in
I am 45 yr old and I try to make the best food for my
family and kids but some of the vegetables which my summer you have cooling foods andthese keep
husband like such as bottle gourd, pumpkin are not your body cool. If we revert this natural order,
readily available these days. Even if they are they we're likely to not receive any of nature's benefits
don't taste the same as in summers. I am not sure that were meant for us.
whether I should buy non seasonal foods just The storage process done to keep the foods
because they are favorite among some of the family available in the non season time reduces the
nutritional value of food.
One has to be smart and intelligent in buying the best
nutritious food for the family. Seasonal fruits and
vegetables should always be the first preference while
selecting the menu. Not only are they economic and
readily available but also very rich in high quality
nutrients. Moreover..
Foods that are grown out of season are often sprayed
with chemicals of all sorts because it requires a little
bending of nature's rules for these foods to survive the
strange season in which they are brought into the world.
One should follow Nature's cycle of its own for a very
good reason. The foods that appear in winter are of the
Eating seasonal food is not only good for your
health but also for your environment.
Non seasonal vegetables consume more gas while
cooking as compared to fresh and seasonal
In fact, I would suggest to plant a fruit, herbs and/or
veggie garden in your own backyard. Tomatoes, for
example, are easy to grow in a small backyard
Remember, no one food will contain all these
essential nutrients. Therefore, it is very important to
include a wide variety of both vegetables and fruits
in your daily diet for maximum health benefits.