Diet Mail Diet Mail - May 2014, Mother's Day Special | Page 8

READER'S ASK Q&A: I am a 60 year-old male with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. How effective are probiotics in treating the condition? Dear Reader, Probiotics are organisms such as bacteria or yeast that are believed to improve health.They are living microorganisms that are similar to beneficial microorganisms found in the human gut. They are available in supplements and foods. Lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria are the most common types of microbes used as probiotics, but certain yeasts and bacilli may also be used. th Probiotics have been under study since the starting of 20 century and there are studies which support the use of probiotics in prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal disorders like IBS, diarrhoea, abdominal bloating, gastritis, ulcerative colitis. These good bacteria not only help in GI disorders but also help in building up the immune system. Probiotics come in many forms, including powders, tablets, capsules, and foods such as yogurts and dairy drinks. The form you take them in doesn't matter, experts say, as long as it contains enough organisms to grow in the intestines. If you are seeking non-dairy yogurt options, there are several that contain live probiotic cultures. Yogurts made from rice, soy and coconut milk are available on the market and also contain added probiotics that can provide the same benefits. Other alternative sources of probiotics include eating fermented foods like Brewer's yeast, miso, sauerkraut, or micro algae. Whatever the source, always look for “live and active cultures” on the label.