Diet And Health Today - January 1 | Page 6

In the table above, our two women both eat 2,000 calories. 1) The first truth about calories tells us that, from the same 2,000 starting calories, Ms Government Advice has 1,826 calories available to the body and Ms Real Food has 1,662. This is a substantial difference. This means that two people can both eat 2,000 calories a day and the high carbohydrate person is effectively getting nearly 200 calories more than the high protein person. Anyone still wonder why low-carbohydrate diets have a built in advantage? 2) The second truth about calories tells us that Ms. Real Food doesn't quite have enough fat and protein calories (585 + 798 = 1,383) to do her BMR work. Ms. Government Advice has consumed barely half of the fat and protein calories that she needs (803 vs. the 1,500 needed). Hence Ms. Government Advice could have consumed another 700 fat/protein calories and the body had a use/need for them straight away – a missed opportunity and the fast track to disease. Both women needed approximately 500 calories for energy. Energy can come from carbohydrate or fat (this is often forgotten or not known - it is usually assumed that activity must be fuelled by carbs). Fat is actually the most versatile macronutrient. Ms. Real Food didn't consume enough carbohydrate calories to fuel her energy needs and she had no excess fat calories to provide energy. Her body will have to break down triglyceride i.e. burn body fat, to meet her energy requirements. This is exactly what a slimmer wants to happen. Had we realised that a calorie is not a calorie and that some calories have jobs to do, we could have avoided making two thirds of our fellow citizens overweight and sick. This will surely go down in history as one of the gravest errors ever made. References: 1 Eric Jequier, “Pathways to Obesity”, International Journal of Obesity, (2002). 2 Richard Feinman and Eugene Fine, “A calorie is a calorie violates the second law of thermodynamics”, Nutritional Journal, (2004). 3 Harris J.A., Benedict F.G., “A biometric study of basal metabolism in man”, Carnegie Institute of Washington, Publication no 279, (1919). 4 Dietary Goals for the United States announced by Senator George S. McGovern, chair of the Senate Nutrition Committee. (1977) 5 Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy, “Diet and Cardiovascular Disease: Report of the Panel on Diet in Relation to Cardiovascular Disease”, (1984). Zoë Harcombe is an author and obesity researcher and creator of The Harcombe Diet®. Further information at and Ms Government Advice, on the other hand, has twice as many energy calories as she needs, so she stores fat rather than burns fat. People eating real food get slim and healthy. People eating the way the government advises get fat and sick. This is why we have seen an epidemic of both obesity and ill health since the USA 19774 and the UK 19845 changes in dietary advice. These were the catastrophic dates, when we first started telling people to avoid fat and eat carbs instead and the obesity graphs took off like airplanes in the years that followed. Diet & Health Today 6