Diet And Health Today - January 1 | Page 24

diet from 'healthy' vegetarian to fatty and meaty and low carb, I would have ended up back where I started just like almost every other dieter. But I did change and this change is what I wrote The Meat Fix about. I only tell you this because when I switched from a low fat, high carb vegetarian diet to a higher fat, low carb, meat and fish based diet, a weird thing happened; the very thing that every big trouser diet, every doctor and NHS advisor wants to happen but can't deliver – permanent weight loss. My weight stabilised but better still, my body changed. I put on a lot of muscle (I had been as weak as a kitten) and I lost a lot of body fat (even when I was skinny I still had a high body fat %) I went from being an apple shape to being triangular. That was getting on for four years ago now. Today, my weight doesn't go up or down, its been within a pound of 11st 12lbs ever since. This is because a diet based on animal fat and protein feeds my body and makes it work properly. You can read up on the biological reasons why this happens - Zoe's web site is full of info - but reducing your carbs and increasing your good fat intake stops all those food cravings and you get off the weight gain and weight loss roundabout forever. So why isn't it common knowledge? The dirty secret is that there isn't much money in it. Once you change you get well and you get on with your life without spending any more money on diets or on drugs. What we have here is a big conflict of advice. The official healthy eating info tells you that 'fad' diets don't work and they don't, but I would include the NHS ‘Eatwell’ plate in that fad definition, not my old school, Paleo-style way of life. Diet & Health Today They will tell you that the only way to permanently lose weight is to 'eat less and move more' which is just utter rubbish and is helping make people miserable, overweight and ill. Just eating a bit less of the same old crud is pointless. But because the official advice is obsessed with basing your diet on carbs and not on fat - god forbid you eat any fat let alone the dreaded evil saturated fat - their advice is fundamentally flawed and helping noone. Consequently, they're driving people in to the arms of the big pants diet people. It still doesn't work but all sides continue to pretend it does and that if it’s not worked for you it’s your own fault and not theirs. This leads inexorably to being rolled up in ball in the corner of the room weeping and feeling like your body and your life is out of control. That's why I say it is a form of torture. So why can't the truth be told? Why can't we stop this yearly headlong rush into food failure? I'm not prone to conspiracy theories but try this one on for size. It doesn't happen because thousands of people's jobs, incomes and careers are set up to deal with the illnesses eating badly causes. All those diet companies, NHS employees, all those dieticians and doctors, all the pharmaceutical companies producing drugs to lower high blood pressure, cholesterol, indigestion and everything else that being overweight causes. They all become redundant if we all just stop eating carbs and sugar in huge quantities and eat real food instead. Add to that the destruction to the grain production and food processing industries and you have a massive lobby group that likes the status quo and don't want change. They want us sick. They can't say this but it makes sense. The last thing anyone involved in making a living from this status quo is for a few low carb weirdos to being taken seriously. So yeah, call us fad diet people. Call us irresponsible. Raise the spectre of Atkins and create all manner of scare stories to undermine people's confidence in what we say. Yeah, of course that's what happens because its better that everyone stays hooked on yo-yo dieting and despair. Better that the overweight individual takes the burden of the guilt and all the attendant psychological damage because, after all, that'll just create more work and more profits for everyone. The sicker you are, the better they 24