Diet And Health Today - January 1 | Page 13

Planning the year ahead? What do you see when you look back? Dr Nina Burrowes A new year. A fresh start. A time to make plans for the year ahead. An important part of planning ahead is taking stock of the year that has passed. You need to know where you’ve been in order to plan your next steps. Reflection is an important piece of internal feedback – a way of learning and growing from my mistakes, noticing and celebrating my successes, and spotting whether I’ve wandered off my chosen path. But reflection is more art than science. When I look in the mirror I can’t assume that what I see is an accurate representation of reality. My visual system is inaccurate and incomplete. My range of vision is limited to a narrow spectrum of visible light, my human eyes can only see less than one percent of the entire electromagnetic spectrum. And I take the information that is in front of my eyes and I mould it. I don’t see, I perceive. I make the information meet my expectations. I