Dicta 2013 | Page 35

DICTAcareers A Visit to a Law Firm Tamara Mackay tells Dicta about her assessment day at a law firm. W alking into the law firm’s lobby I what you bring to a group: your insightam acutely aware of my own rac- ful ideas, your ability to keep your team ing thoughts. Have I prepared adequate- on track and organised, your support and ly? Am I dressed appropriately? What if I encouragement of your teammates and, can’t remember the name of that partner of course, your commercial awareness. I met at the Open Evening? What if I This last one is important regardless of can’t remember every detail of every what sort of law you want to practice. deal the Financial Times has ever written You should consider what your clients’ about? Okay. Relax; breathe. Remem- and firm’s current issues and future goals ber, you wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t might be, and be able to contextualise already made a good impression on the these in a broader economic and sofirm: you just need to continue demon- cio-political framework, focused around strating why you are an amazing candi- what area(s) of law you’re interested in. date. This is also an opportunity to get to Be careful and pay attention to specific know the firm’s culture and decide if it details in any instructions you are given. feels like a good fit. So: you’ve made it through the day! Depending on what stage you’re at, What happens next? After giving yourthis may sound familiar, or you may be self a well-deserved break, take the time looking forward to an upcoming Open to reflect on how the day went and conor Assessment Day and are wondering sider what went well and what could have what to expect. Based gone better. Identify on my own experienc- “You should consider specific ways to tackes, while it varies from you would what your clients’ le areas improve on. firm to firm, there are like to and firm’s current If you are unsuccessseveral activities that you can reasonably ful at this stage, you issues and future expect. Presentations will likely be able to goals might be.” about the firm, its get feedback on your history and goals, its performance. Listen clients and the work it engages in are carefully, ask about ways to improve, common, and a great opportunity to ask and thank them for their time. Compare questions and learn things about the firm this feedback to your own reflections that you can’t find on its website. Grad- and plan for improvement. If you are uate recruitment officers, partners, asso- successful, congratulations! If not, reciates or trainees may all give presenta- member that you’ve still had a valuable tions: tailor your questions accordingly. learning opportunity and next time you’ll You’ll also encounter a wide range make it further. of workshop activities, which may include negotiation exercises, making a Tamara is a first-year MA Law student who mock client pitch, or working through is pursuing research at the Human Rights the stages of a business deal. These can Implementation Centre. be great opportunities to demonstrate Additional Tips For Applications to Law Firms It is also entirely possible that you’ll encounter psychometric tests, which generally you will be informed about it in advance. You may hear that you can’t prepare for these tests, but there are two ways in which you can. First, you can practise and improve on skills that they test. Memorising and regurgitating knowledge won’t help you here, but there is a wealth of practice material that will help you improve your reading comprehension, critical and logical analysis and problem solving. Student career services offices often have valuable resources, as does the internet.