Painting can be a dirty job but Dickies offers
painters’ workwear designed to make your work
day easier, including painters’ trousers, overalls and
t-shirts, in addition to the traditional decorators’
dungarees or bib and brace overalls.
The Dickies painters’ bib and brace set is
specifically designed for painting and decorating.
With clip straps making it easy to get on and off, it
features an angled chest pocket as well as a very
large front pouch, which is perfect for storing your
brushes and other essentials.
Dickies painters’ trousers are a hardwearing,
comfortable, simple and functional garment for all
painters, and with many painting and decorating
jobs involving kneeling work, Dickies knee pads can
be a vital piece of kit to avoid injuries and
discomfort on the job: simply insert them into your
compatible painters’ trouser or bib and brace