We have number of nouns and are also known to be the naming words. Nouns can name anything from place, person, object or even a group of people. And examples are as follows.
Common nouns, are names given to ordinary objects. Such nouns are identified by the, a or an preceding them. They do not begin with a capital letter, unless they start a sentence.
Example: the sea, a fly or an orange.
Such nouns also have a gender and also reflect what people are: doctor or a teacher.
There are common nouns that partner one another, fish and chips.
The pronoun performs a similar function to the nouns. We use pronouns to avoid repetition. Pronoun will change depending on their usage either s a subject or an object.
Example: I do my work. You do your work. She does her work. They do their work.
Example: This is hers, not yours.
This house was mine, but now it is ours.
Example: Mary (she) sees herself in the mirror.
Jack (he) cut himself with the razor.