Ace Your "After" Photo

Your newly carved physique deserves better than a bathroom selfie. For a true trophy shot, begin by doing 10 to 15 pushups to make your upper body swell. Then quickly set up your camera, stand 5 feet away, pull your shoulders back, and cross your arms to emphasize your biceps, says Jeanne Graves, MH's director of photography. Still 10 pounds from a six-pack? To create a slimming effect, rotate your hips so they're at a 45-degree angle from the camera, and turn your shoulders and head toward the lens.

Give That Man a Hand

Many of our cover contestants also invest sweat into volunteering—and net healthy returns. A study in Health Psychology found that people who volunteer may live longer than those who don't—as long as they do it to help others and not just to make themselves feel good. "Focusing on other people may trigger oxytocin, which could help us handle stress," says study author Sara Konrath," Ph.D. Plus, reflecting on how you've helped can motivate you to give more, reveals research in Psychological Science.