The beloved full story of STRANGERS IN PARADISE is now available in four complete volumes !
STRANGERS IN PARADISE is the compelling love story of three unlikely friends who find themselves bound together by their pasts …
Katchoo is a beautiful young woman living in the spare bedroom of her high school friend , Francine . Brash and outspoken , Katchoo makes no secret of her love for Francine but that ’ s not an option for the shy , insecure woman who looks for Prince Charming in a series of bad boyfriends . Enter David , a gentle but persistent artist who seems determined to win Katchoo ’ s heart . The resulting triangle is a touching comedy of romantic errors that takes the trio down a complicated road of murder , mayhem , and love featuring an array of characters including crime bosses , psychopaths , and well-meaning friends .
Terry Moore began his career in comics with the critically acclaimed series , Strangers in Paradise . SiP is a compelling love story between three unlikely friends who find themselves bound together by their pasts . This epic series garnered many awards during its production , including the prestigious Eisner Award and the National Cartoonists Society Reuben Award . Strangers In Paradise has been translated into nineteen languages and has maintained a loyal legion of SiP fans worldwide .
After numerous editions Moore ’ s company Abstract Studio is releasing the definitive SiP collection in four volumes of 384 pages each . The first three books are now in stores . The fourth book will hit shelves in June . Moore will be promoting the book throughout the year at stores and convention appearances .
STRANGERS IN PARADISE is a funny , yet complicated multi-genre graphic novel that is sure to satisfy many tastes .