Diamond BookShelf Magazine #40 Bookshelf_40 | Page 3


and that doesn ’ t have to be a warning . There is a calm that blankets the world when the seasons change , and it is as if Mother Nature herself is inviting us to enjoy the tranquility with her by scaling back the hours and tugging at the sun . This season was built for reflection and restoration .
With the heat of summer bowing to the arrival of winter , we have the opportunity to enjoy a slower pace of life . As you flip through the magazine and mull over new ways to bring your community together , we challenge you to encourage your patrons to embrace the serenity of slowing down by picking up a new book . From graphic novels to manga to games , I know this issue will have everything you need to create the perfect space for your patrons to gather during the season of togetherness .
Stay Warm and Happy Reading !



Ashley Kronsberg Editor in Chief kashley @ diamondcomics . com
Art from CIRUELO , LORD of the Dragons : FAIRIES AND DRAGONS from Alien Books diamondbookshelf . org 1