Diamond Bookshelf 32 The LGBTQ+ Issue | Page 18

friend group of the protagonist , then interacting with everyone to further the plot in a positive way . Other examples of this queer support character include : Zoe from Ms . Marvel , Jesse from Drama , Hesekiel and Erik from Tea Dragon Society , and Rosie from Lumberjanes . Sidenote : Take the time to create a list of queer support characters you have found in your collection . Is the number higher or lower than you suspect it is ?

There are so many comic titles out there that will make you pause as you peruse selections . But how do you find them ? A simple answer is to literally , and voraciously , read everything that looks remotely interesting to you . Maybe you will get lucky and find a support character that makes you want to write fanfiction about them as a main character . Another , more targeted way , to find material is to talk to others . Take a look at the bookshelf of your favorite follow on
Goodreads ; check out the latest LGBTQ + list sent out by the American Library
Association ; stalk your reading buddies and see what they have to borrow ; or hit up your comic book store for recommendations . Then , most importantly , SHARE what YOU found . Help other readers find the titles that represent you in a way that makes you proud .
Comics are the revolution in reading . This is where experimental storytelling happens and I , for one , am looking forward to supporting those who stretch the world ’ s perception of “ normal .” LG- BTQ + history has shown a resiliance in the face of erasure , of ignorance , of hate ; and comic books and graphic novels provide another way to positively influence our image to others and to ourselves . I urge readers to enjoy that moment when you see something worth celebrating printed in the ink . And if you aren ’ t reading it , write it . We are worth celebrating in all formats .
ABOUT THE AUTHOR • Brianna is a librarian which , oddly enough , leaves very little time to read . Despite this her personal library is growing bigger than her home can hold . She enjoys geeking out over the latest manga and feels old when high schoolers give her weird looks about her teenage favorites from long ago . Naturally her favorite section in the library is the graphic novels and she is always ready to recommend a title for anyone interested — although she laments when volume one is inevitably checked out .
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