Dialogues of Gogo and Didi Documentary Fantasy | Page 61

to the memory of A.I. Lapin VLADIMIR: Well? Shall we go? ESTRAGON: Yes, lets go. They do not move. S. Beckett Waiting for Godot ...we know, long time, even though, but time is up, whole world will not save us from time of Godot, which is close and vague, implicit, out of voice, itching and harlotry, all life gushes out the skin, then a temptation without a body, although unknown, not accurate, and we have continued in silence and laugh at the time, in the mist of the notes and epaulettes, commanders, without fear or dust beneath the ABC of the world – we will play a crescendo of white noise and the anthem, it is dangerous stand, not keeping a silence, even lying is useless, but letters – they didn’t created a time, took over the novels and letters, no meaning, no malice of law would have failed tomorrow, yesterday – useless, clearly, we believe in the madness, gambling and hat, easy birth without a cry, immortality, faith, reason, and there are always unknown, foreigners, war, heroic epics, gloss and happiness, but while we talking, despite of the terrible noise and quiet of ash, our wind up with a loop and funny report, and grinder with banker are trading by word, dream and fire, and we disappeared over the pit as if we are saved, but in case with a lady, although the road with the ravine is almost impossible, but were attempted to get by the word, and needless to say, – gold, in vain, have defused the canons, but humans...