Dialogue Volume 15, Issue 3 2019 | Page 28

PARTICIPATION DR. PAM CHART Discipline Committee Member Family Medicine What led to you becoming involved in the Discipline Committee? My experience with the workings of the CPSO was limited until I was called to give expert evidence at a discipline hearing. Impressed with the process and nearing the end of my practising life, I expressed an interest in serving as a member of the Discipline Committee. What do you enjoy about it? I have found the work intellectually stimulating, challenging at times and personally satisfying. My interest in decision making, preparing and writing reasons to support committee decisions has been most gratifying and that has only increased with time and experience. More recently, this experience has provided me with the tools to effectively participate in prehearing case management consultations to satisfactorily resolve issues in an attempt to avoid long and costly contested discipline hearings. I feel privileged to have been able to serve as a Committee member and recommend it highly. DR. JOHN JEFFREY Registration Committee Member Gynecological Oncology satisfy certain directives without referral to the Registration Committee, our time is freed up to focus on the more substantive issues. What do you enjoy about being a member of the Registration Committee? I enjoy interacting with me about the College is that when peers, public members and staff. is because of mental health issues, There is hard work involved, but I or addiction or clinical concerns – continue to find it interesting and the effort that the College makes the business of licensing doctors is in getting that doctor back on track important work. is just very impressive. And to be And significantly, recent changes DIALOGUE ISSUE 3, 2019 doctors get into trouble – whether it honest, I am not sure how well that now allow the College to do a more is understood by the profession, but efficient processing of applicants’ you certainly see it as member of the requests. For example, in enabling Committee. staff to register applicants who 28 I think that what has really struck MD