terfered with the expert's ability to opine on Dr.
Taniguchi’s knowledge with respect to palliative
care. The lack of documentation also precluded an
accurate assessment of Dr. Taniguchi’s skill; and
• Dr. Taniguchi was not readily available to assess
patients in a timely fashion.
With respect to Dr. Taniguchi’s long-term care prac-
tice, the expert opined:
• It was not clear from Dr. Taniguchi’s documenta-
tion in 2015 and 2016 that he was performing
admission physicals, nor was it clear that he was
performing annual physicals. There were a num-
ber of occasions on which these physicals were not
documented. Dr. Taniguchi’s extensive use of PRN
orders in the order sets in some charts also sug-
gested that his approach to those residents’ care was
not personalized;
• There was a significant improvement in Dr. Tani-
guchi’s long-term care documentation after mid-
2017, with respect to his use of SOAP notes, and
the documentation of admission and annual exams,
and care conferences;
• Dr. Taniguchi’s knowledge and skill were difficult
to ascertain from his charts. However, there were
instances in which Dr. Taniguchi’s charting sug-
gested a lack of knowledge and/or skill; and
• Dr. Taniguchi was not readily available to assess his
patient load, and his lack of availability was con-
cerning. His practice of attending on patients only
every two weeks allowed for conditions to aggravate
between visits.
On November 8, 2018, the Inquiries, Complaints
and Reports Committee made an Order, requiring,
among other things, that Dr. Taniguchi practise un-
der the guidance of a clinical supervisor.
On November 23, 2018, a clinical supervisor was
approved for Dr. Taniguchi.
Since that time, Dr. Taniguchi has been fully
cooperative with the College, and has been meet-
ing with his clinical supervisor on a regular basis to
review patient charts from his palliative care practice
pursuant to the s. 25.4 Order. The reports have been
positive, and indicate that Dr. Taniguchi’s care has
been appropriate.
The Discipline Committee ordered: a reprimand; a
two-month suspension; and payment to the College
in the amount of $6,000 for hearing costs.
For complete details of the Order, please see the
full decision at www.cpso.on.ca. Select Find a Doctor
and enter the doctor’s name.
At the conclusion of the hearing, Dr. Taniguchi waived
his right to an appeal and the Committee administered
the public reprimand.
AREA OF PRACTICE: Family Medicine (Emergency Medi-
HEARING INFORMATION: Agreed Statement of Fact; Ad-
mission; Joint Submission on Penalty
On June 19, 2019, the Discipline Committee found
that Dr. Thomas committed an act of professional
misconduct, in that he has engaged in an act or omis-
sion relevant to the practice of medicine that would
reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful,
dishonourable or unprofessional.
In April 2017, the College’s Inquiries, Complaints
and Reports Committee directed that Dr. Thomas
attend the College to be cautioned and required
that he complete a specified continuing education
and remediation program (SCERP). Its provisions
included: courses in medical record-keeping, safe
opioid prescribing, ATLS and emergency medicine
review; one-on-one instruction and self-directed
learning, with written summaries in five areas; clini-
cal supervision for a period of 12 months; and a
practice reassessment six months upon completion of
the education and remediation.
Despite the assistance of the College’s Compliance
Case Manager and multiple indulgences with respect
to deadlines, the matter was returned to the ICRC in
April 2018 for consideration due to Dr. Thomas’ fail-
ure to complete the terms of the April 2017 SCERP.