As part of an investigation into whether Dr.
Shenava failed to maintain the standard of practice,
the College retained a psychiatrist to review 22 of
Dr. Sheneva’s charts. The expert found that in all 22
charts he reviewed, Dr. Shenava failed to maintain
the standard of practice in his clinical documenta-
tion, clinical care and the management of boundaries
and transference enactments.
The breadth and depth of the deficiencies noted by
the expert was extremely disturbing to the Commit-
tee. Dr. Shenava’s clinical documentation and clinical
care fell well below the standard of practice of the
The Discipline Committee ordered: the revocation of
Dr. Shenava’s certificate of registration; a reprimand,
and payment to the College of hearing costs in the
amount of $6,000.
For complete details of the Order, please see the
full decision at www.cpso.on.ca. Select Find a Doctor
and enter the doctor’s name.
HEARING INFORMATION: Statement of Uncontested Facts
and Plea of No Contest; Joint Submission on Penalty
On April 30, 2019, the Discipline Committee found
that Dr. Sloka committed an act of professional
misconduct, in that he has engaged in sexual abuse
of a patient and has engaged in an act or omission
relevant to the practice of medicine that would
reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful,
dishonourable or unprofessional.
Patient A was a teenager living in a group home
when she was referred to Dr. Sloka for assessment
regarding seizures. Dr. Sloka required Patient A to
undergo a skin examination and neurological assess-
ments in the nude at her first medical appointment
with him. While certain skin lesions can be a marker
of syndromes causing epilepsy, any skin examination
would require appropriate draping.
Patient B was referred to Dr. Sloka regarding a
seizure disorder. Dr. Sloka required Patient B to take
off her gown and stand naked for a skin examination,
during which he cupped and moved her breasts. As
advised by an expert retained by the College to re-
view this matter, it was not clinically appropriate for
Dr. Sloka to touch Patient B’s breasts.
Patient C was referred to Dr. Sloka for a consulta-
tion after she began to feel tingling from the waist
down. At her first appointment, Dr. Sloka told her he
would examine her breasts and ‘check for lumps.’ He
exposed and squeezed both of her breasts. He did not
chart a breast examination. She told her family after
the appointment that the doctor had ‘felt her up.’
She wanted to see another neurologist but returned
to Dr. Sloka because she could not find another
Patient D was referred to Dr. Sloka while a univer-
sity student for management of her seizure disorder.
At a number of appointments Dr. Sloka examined
her skin all over, removing her gown himself. He
would move and squeeze her breasts. He also touched
her vagina and rectum on a total of three to four oc-
casions. As opined by an expert neurologist retained
by the College to review this matter, Dr. Sloka’s
conduct towards Patient D described above was not
clinically indicated. There was no clinical rationale
for the invasive physical maneuvers involving Pa-
tient D’s vagina and rectum. Nor were repeated skin
examinations, the lack of draping, or the touching of
Patient D’s breasts clinically appropriate.
Dr. Sloka agreed to undertake not to apply or reapply
to practise medicine in Ontario or any other jurisdiction.
The Committee ordered revocation of Dr. Sloka’s
certificate of registration, a reprimand, payment of
$6,000 in hearing costs, and posting of security in
the amount of $64,240 to reimburse the College for
funding for therapy or counselling to the patients.
For complete details of the Order, please see the
full decision at www.cpso.on.ca. Select Find a Doctor
and enter the doctor’s name.
At the conclusion of the hearing, Dr. Sloka’s counsel
waived his right to appeal and the Committee adminis-
tered the public reprimand.