Dr. Jennifer Wyman
Modules ease
McMaster’s Division of
e-Learning Innovation
(DeLI) partnered in the de-
sign of the Opioids Clinical
Primer (
grams/opioids_clinical_primer). The online
program drew on input from subject matter
experts at Ontario’s six medical schools.
The primer is also integrated with the
Ontario Pain Management Resources, which
is a partnership that includes Health Quality
Ontario, CPSO, the Ontario College of Fam-
ily Physicians, CAMH and others.
The self-directed courses comprising the
primer currently include:
trategies for Managing Chronic Pain:
Moving Beyond Opioids;
Mental Health, Chronic Pain, and Substance
Use: Addressing the Connections;
Safer Opioid Prescribing Strategies;
Managing Patients with Opioid Use Dis-
order in Primary Care with Buprenorphine;
Opioid Use Disorder in Primary Care: Prin-
ciples of Assessment and Management.
Dr. Wyman says the curriculum aims to
help doctors put into practice some principles
from the 2017 Canadian Guideline for Opi-
oids for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain. Many doc-
tors are curious about these topics. Yet they
haven’t explored them in depth, or decided
if they want to invest the time or cost of an
in-person course for their CPD.
The goal was to
make these very
accessible, where
people can do them
on their own time, at
their own pace
nize when opioid prescrip-
tions have moved to levels
where there’s problematic