Dialogue Volume 15, Issue 3 2019 | Page 14

REPORTS FROM COUNCIL could apply in instances where a Committee requires the extension of an appointment for a particular member that exceeds the appli- cable term limit but is required to maintain stability and effective functioning of the Committee. Complaint Process Improvements In her report to Council, Dr. Nancy Whit- more, the College’s Registrar/CEO, reported on several key performance indicators. Specifically, we are continuing to see prog- ress in our complaints process timelines. Most notably, the time to resolve a complaint has decreased by 37% over a one-year period and we have increased the number of complaints managed through early resolution (ADR) by 169% over the same one-year period. We have also reduced the time it takes to write an ICRC decision from 26 weeks to five weeks. In regard to our discipline process, we have reduced the time to release a discipline deci- sion by 51%. We are committed to continu- ing our work in improving our processes here at the College and will keep you updated on our progress. Dr. Whitmore also reported that the Qual- ity Improvement pilot project has attracted 14 DIALOGUE ISSUE 3, 2019 278 interested physicians who volunteered to participate. The project is now underway and will be complete by the end of 2019. She also reported on initiatives to more meaningfully engage with the public and physicians. Dr. Whitmore also announced Dialogue will soon have a digital version. The first issue will be arriving in physicians’ inboxes in the new year. Continuity of Care Policies Approved Following an extended six-month consulta- tion and significant stakeholder engagement, the College’s Continuity of Care policies were approved. The policies were substantially changed in response to the significant feed- back received from stakeholders during the consultation. The four inter-related policies include: Availability and Coverage, Manag- ing Tests, Transitions in Care and Walk-in Clinics. The policies are an essential compo- nent of patient-centred care and an impor- tant contributor to patient safety. As the burden on the health-care system increases and becomes more complex, the information exchange across different parts of the health- care system becomes increasingly important. Please see the article on page 9 for more information. Closing a Medical Practice After an external consultation, Council approved a policy that describes the steps a physician must take when closing his or her practice in order to minimize the impact on