Dialogue Volume 15, Issue 2 2019 | Page 48

DISCIPLINE SUMMARIES DR. JANE CATHERINE GILBERT PRACTICE LOCATION: Oakville AREA OF PRACTICE: Psychiatry HEARING INFORMATION: Statement of Uncontested Facts; Uncontested Penalty 48 funding for therapy for Patient A. Dr. Gilbert was also ordered to pay the College hearing costs in the amount of $6,000. For complete details of the Order, please see the full decision at www.cpso.on.ca. Select Find a Doctor and enter the doctor’s name. On January 9, 2019, the Discipline Committee found that Dr. Gilbert committed an act of profes- sional misconduct in that she engaged in sexual abuse of a patient; and engaged in an act or omission that would be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional. Dr. Gilbert was not in attendance at the hearing. It was confirmed through Dr. Gilbert’s counsel that Dr. Gilbert had been appropriately served with the Notice of Hearing and agreed to the hearing proceed- ing in her absence. In October 2009, Dr. Gilbert started to provide psychiatric treatment to Patient A. He was suffering from depression and had a history of psychiatric dif- ficulties. While treating Patient A, Dr. Gilbert became friends with him and his wife and started to attend at their home regularly. In the fall of 2010, while still treating Patient A, Dr. Gilbert entered into a sexual relationship with Patient A. This began one afternoon in Patient A’s home while the two were drinking together. The sexual relationship continued until April 2014. Pharmacy records obtained from three different pharmacies revealed that between 2009 and 2014, Dr. Gilbert prescribed to Patient A numerous medi- cations including anti-depressants, sedatives, narcot- ics and medications for erectile dysfunction. She also provided Patient A with non-prescription pills to treat his erectile dysfunction which she told him were ordered from a “third world country.” Dr. Gilbert made statements, which were untrue, about the timing of the commencement of her sexual relationship with Patient A. DR. JAMES MUNDY HARDWICK ORDER The Discipline Committee ordered: revocation of Dr. Gilbert’s certificate of registration; a reprimand; and June 2016 Patient A returned to the SAC for follow-up with Dr. Hardwick to have her dressings changed, and to have DIALOGUE ISSUE 2, 2019 PRACTICE LOCATION: Stratford AREA OF PRACTICE: General Surgery HEARING INFORMATION: Admission; Agreed Statement of Facts; Joint Submission on Penalty On March 27, 2019, the Discipline Commit- tee found that Dr. Hardwick committed an act of professional misconduct in that he engaged in an act or omission that would be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional. In 2016, Dr. Hardwick’s practice included provid- ing services in the Stratford General Hospital’s Surgi- cal Ambulatory Care (SAC) outpatient clinic and surgical assisting in the operating room. May 2016 Patient A was a teenager. She developed a pilonidal ab- scess, located near the tailbone. Patient A attended at the Stratford General Hospital’s SAC on referral from a family physician for an excision by Dr. Hardwick. An earlier excision had not been successful. Patient A was accompanied on this visit by a student coordina- tor. Dr. Hardwick explained that he was going to open the patient’s abscess to take the pressure off. When Dr. Hardwick made the incision, he com- mented on the unusual severity of the infection, including stating that the smell was worse than he expected. Dr. Hardwick failed to explain that he was making the comment with respect to the severity of her condition. His comment caused the patient distress.